Monday, April 1, 2013

Networking and Business Card Tips and a promotional code

6 Networking and Business Card Tips

No matter how much social media people do - old fashioned networking is still a tried and true method of building a network of people to do business with. At a networking event, business cards are the business person's greeting card. They are used to initiate a conversation or as an invitation to follow up.

Make sure that your business cards get noticed by taking advantage of Printz April business card special -buy 250 business cards and you get 250 free when you order 500 cards at and use the code BC241.

Here are some steps for making a great business card:

1. Make sure your business card says what you do:
Keep in mind if you are at a networking event you will meet lots of people. A company name like "Go Forth Enterprises" or "The Network Specialist" may be vague? Consider adding a tag line like "The Network Specialist - Voice Over IP Solutions For Small Business" or "Go Forth Enterprises - Custom Leisure Travel Solutions."

2. Avoid 3rd Party E-Mail Addresses:
While Hotmail, G-mail and AOL may be great for your personal life, using these addresses as your business e-mail account says you may not be serious enough about your company to invest in an e-mail account.

3. Make the important information easy to find:
Contact information including a phone number and an e-mail address should be front and center to get peoples attention - remember it's a calling card.

4. Create consistent branding through your marketing pieces:
Have a consistent theme with all your marketing materials. Pick the colors, logo and design templates you want and stick to them. All of your business materials should create a recognizable image for your business. Remember it takes an average of 7 contacts with a business before a purchase is made.

5. Pass cards to everyone you know:
A business card is the most inexpensive marketing tool there is. Pass them out to EVERYONE you come in contact with personally and professionally. You can leave them in coffee shops, in restaurant checks, when you pay bills, or write personal notes. You never know where your next lead will come!

6. Don't leave home without them:
Have business cards in your purse, briefcase, and car. Every time you leave your house you should be armed to meet potential customers.

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